three siblings: surviving loss and finding hope

episode artwork

michele | tina | sunny

06 March 2023

12m 33s

michele's pov



Trigger warning: this show discusses sensitive mental health topics.

this episode is about michele's individual point of view as one of the three siblings. michele begins by sharing a quote, which has taught her how to process grief. seven years after the loss of her parents, michele has gained a more compassionate view of her younger self and the grief she experienced. she reflects on how she was not taught how to grieve properly and instead tried to appear unaffected. her attempt to mask her pain ultimately led her to a place of self-destruction, from which she had to rebuild. the conversation is a reminder of the importance of expressing grief in order to honor the ones we have lost. in the end, michele reflects on the importance of learning to love deeply and cherish every moment, despite the pain of death. she credits her siblings, tina and sunny, for understanding her and not judging her for her past. this has allowed her to appreciate the privilege of having conflict with someone living, as it is a gift in life.

trigger warning: this show discusses sensitive mental health topics.

episode timestamps

0:00:10 - loss and healing

0:01:19 - the passing of grandpa and dad

0:03:39 - escaping to paris

0:07:01 - grief, guilt, and forgiveness

0:08:40 - healing through vulnerable conversations with loved ones

0:10:12 - healing and self-love

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